The time has come to introduce another one of my latest inventions: Passive Voice Choice!! 🥳
It's another grammar game that I've created for my 8th graders and it does exactly what it says on the box - helps practise Passive Voice.
The game task cards cover Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, and modals. Here it is in all its glory (excuse the chipped table, it's been through a lot 😅)

Passive Voice Choice (why the name, you ask ... it rhymes ok ... don't judge me 😅) is a board game with four different types of task cards. To move on the board you need to roll the dice. The colour of the field you end up on tells you what colour card you need to draw.
The aim of the game is to collect the highest amount of tokens (I'm using flat marbles). How to get the tokens? Obviously, by answering the task card questions correctly 😄 Here's what the task cards look like:
The green cards require the student to put the verb in the sentence in the right form. The right answer is hidden in the QR code. With the pink cards students need to change an active voice sentence into a passive voice sentence and check the answer, again in the QR code. The orange cards (my favourites) are the wild cards. There are 11 different wild cards and they can either get you more tokens or make you lose some of the ones you've collected. The blue cards are double sided. In the picture above, you can see the correct answer side of the card. On the other side I've placed a QR code with a recording of a sentence. Students need to listen to the sentence and decide whether it's in passive or active voice. You may also choose to put PENpal stickers on the cards. The MP3 files with all the sentences are available in the Recordings Library, which you get access to when you buy PENpals from my Monteshop.

Was it easy to make them like this? No 😅 But once I get an idea for something, I cannot not do it. So I printed the answer side of the cards on sticker paper, stuck it onto blue paper to make it not see-through, then I printed the QR codes on sticker paper as well, I cut them out and stuck them on the back of the cards, trying to keep them central (see how I did it here). Then I laminated the whole thing.
If you get this game you'll see that the QR codes are at the end of the file. I've marked it next to each code if it's an active voice sentence or a passive voice sentence. It can be easily cut off before sticking to the back of the answer card.
You may of course record your own sentences and QR code them. If, however, you decide to use the ones I've made, I recommend scanning them with a QR code app rather than a phone camera. For some reasons, some phones just show you the link instead of taking you to Google Drive audio player. If you want to use the camera on the phone, it should work if you've got the Google Drive app installed on it as well.
Now for the board. I wanted to make it really nice and big, easy to move around on with enough space for the different types of cards. So I made it foldable. Click this link to watch a video of how I did it. In the material I've prepared for you, you'll find three different options for the board so you can pick which one you'd like to print out and prepare for your kids 😊
Coming back to the tokens. I see two possible options of playing this game. Option one would be giving the players a time limit. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of that time, wins. Option two would be to say that the first person to collect such and such amount tokens is the winner. One more note: if you don't have anything that could work as tokens in the game, you may just as well count up the tokens as points. In such scenario, I'd pick one student to play the role of the "points banker".
So, what do we think? The game has been tried and tested and it brought a lot of smiles and excitement, especially the bit where the players got to play with their collected marbles while they were waiting for the other players to answer and check their questions. Would you like to give it a go?
