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Writer's pictureEwa Gรณrna

Scrambled Sentences with a conditional twist ๐ŸŒช

With kids coming back to school, grade 8 final exams, and a school trip to organise and go to, I've been quite busy for the last couple of weeks. This doesn't mean I didn't make any materials, I simply didn't have any time to write ๐Ÿ˜…

Do you also suffer from end-of-the-school-year anxiety? The last month and a half of each school year are so hectic and no matter how well organised I am, I always feel there's not enough time to do anything!!

Anyway, back to materials. I'm still working on my beloved Scrambled Sentences. This time round, however, I had to change it a little bit. I needed a step before my kids get to play Condition Mission, something that will let them practise a bit on their own before they play against other students. I thought that Scrambled Sentences could work for that, but not in their original form. First of all, conditional sentences tend to be longer than 7 words which I usually use. Second of all, you can start each sentence from the "if" clause OR from the mail clause. Lastly, simply arranging words in the right order seemed a bit too easy for conditional practise.

Here are the changes I've introduced:

  • There is no empty sheet to arrange the sentence on, students arrange the words straight on a rug or a table.

  • There are 6 sentences per set.

  • There are both possible answers on the answer sheet for each sentence.

  • I added more verb forms to choose from for each sentence. This way students need to remember which verb form they need to use in each conditional sentence. This also means that at the end of the activity, they will be left with spare word tiles.

The set is made up of 8 mini sets. The first three sets are divided into Conditional sentence type 0, type 1, and type 2. Starting from set 4 it is a mixed practice. I tried to create a mix of positive and negative statements and questions. Hopefully, you'll find this set useful for your students or your own kids at home ๐Ÿ˜Š

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